Partnership between the Kumamoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Department of Applied Japanese Language of Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) began in 2017 when an overseas non-single-enterprise-internships contract was signed by both parties. CJCU was the first Taiwanese university partner of the Chamber.
Led by Chairman Kuga Akito, delegates of the Kumamoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry including the Deputy Director of the General Affairs,Consultant of Overseas Business Cooperation and Coordination of Kumamoto Tsuruya Department Store visited and exchanged with CJCU.The Applied Japanese Language Department of CJCU has signed internship contracts with Kumamoto Tsuruya Department Store and Kumamoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry since 2017. This year marked the seventh year of Japanese partnerships and by summer, 2023, 13 students of the Department received and benefited from their internship in Japan.
By Chiray Lin